28 October 2013

Review: James Ingleton: The History of a Social State, A.D. 2,000 by "Mr. Dick"

Hardcover, 450 pages
Published unknown (originally 1893)

Borrowed from the library
Read  September 2013
James Ingleton: The History of a Social State, A.D. 2,000
by "Mr. Dick"

Some sources will tell you that this pseudonymous book was published in 1887, but that's clearly wrong-- not just because contemporary sources cite it as published in 1893, but because the book makes no sense if it was published before Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (1888). This book is basically what would happen if a group of plucky young rebels banded together and bombed Bellamy's socialist utopia into submission because they believe in the rights of the individual. Death from above! It's not very good, but it is moderately interesting, if too long by far.

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